Let’s talk drugs

Drugs are bad ‘mkay?

Except when they’re not.

Except when you need them.

Except when, without taking them, you’re not going to make it.

Then drugs aren’t bad.

Growing up, I was in therapy a lot. Apparently my childhood wouldn’t be considered ideal.  I know right? Who knew?

But in those years of therapy, off and on from about 5 to 15, I resisted medications. My parents discouraged me from medications. They wanted us to try other options first.

Let me say this right now, NO. NO NO NO NO NO.

If you’re depressed, and YOU feel like you need medication, please talk to a skilled professional. It took my dear cousin, when I was 12, saying that it WASN’T NORMAL to want to die. I reached out at that time to get counseling, but still didn’t start medication for my depression.

That’s what I have, depression.

Did you know it’s super, crazy, ridiculously common?

Over 3 MILLION cases in the US every year.

It doesn’t mean we’re bad people, it doesn’t mean we don’t deserve to be happy. It means that we’re sick. It means that the chemicals in our brain aren’t working as they should.

If you amputated your legs would you just tell yourself to snap out of it and get better? Get mad because your non existent legs aren’t walking like they used to? No, that would be foolish. You get help, you have crutches, a wheel chair, prosthetics. Expecting yourself to just get better without help isn’t going to help anyone.

There is no shame in needing help, it’s not admitting defeat, it’s not being weak. People may say it’s a crutch but you know what? WHAT DO YOU THINK A CRUTCH IS? Something to HELP you walk when you’ve been hurt, when you’re not 100% and you still want to be strong and stand on your feet. If you need help, please know that it’s out there.

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